.⭑♡ VXXVO ♡⭑.

howdy !! i like cowboys, warm colours, and making dogs based off of cute anime boys.
self taught hobbyist and constantly experimenting


terms of service

by commissioning me you are automatically agreeing to these terms. PLEASE READ OVER THESE TERMS EVERY TIME YOU COMMISSION IN CASE THERE HAVE BEEN CHANGES.I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR FAILURE TO READ THROUGH THESE TERMS.for questions, problems, inquiries, etc, i am most easily contacted at arin yao on facebook and vxxvo on toyhouse


  • if you ask for a piece that may offend me, or anyone else, i have the right to refuse.

  • if i have personal issues, i will let you know and if you want a refund, i will give you one.

  • please be patient !! sometimes i finish comms fast but sometimes they make take me longer. i always appreciate a check-up note here and there but please don't spam me.

  • i take up front payments in usd through paypal, and i will only give refunds if i haven't started on your commission yet.

  • you must have a clear reference image of the character you want me to draw. if i can't understand what they look like, i will decline your commission.

  • i DO NOT send wips unless specifically requested. let me know if you want to be updated on your commissions' progress and i will send wips as i work on it.

  • ASK about nsfw.


  • if you put my art on your page, or upload it anywhere else, credit me.

  • extremely minor edits to my art are allowed like adding a background or putting filters on it, but any further than that i would prefer that you come to me and ask me to edit the art for you.

- the price is double for an extra character, tripled for two extra, etc
- complex designs, complex clothing, and extra props may add to the base price
- basic art will not have backgrounds, they will be png images. the only types of art that will come with a background can be found in the "other" section


symmetrical (always flat) - $10USD

flat colour - $15USD

examples are slightly outdated

simple shaded - $25USD

art will be cleaner than example shown

fully rendered - $40USD

art will be cleaner than human examples shown

flat icons - $30USD

tell me what bg u want when ordering. if not told, i will either choose one myself or ask u to pick one before ordering.
size is 1000x1000, ask abt other sizes

simple icons - $40USD

tell me what bg u want when ordering. if not told, i will either choose one myself or ask u to pick one before ordering.
size is 1000x1000, ask abt other sizes

rendered icons - $55USD

tell me what bg u want when ordering. if not told, i will either choose one myself or ask u to pick one before ordering.
size is 1000x1000, ask abt other sizes


anthro or human(oid) only

flat colour - $30USD

commissioned art will be cleaner than examples

simple shaded - $45USD

commissioned art will be cleaner than example

fully rendered - $65USD

examples are outdated


flat colour - $50USD

commissioned art will be cleaner than humanoid examples

simple shaded - $65USD

fully rendered - $90USD

examples are outdated, art will be cleaner than human examples shown


experimental - starting at $10USD

these r my fav types of art to do !!! this is me just taking ur chara and going HAM on it, messing w new techniques, just havin fun !! u can tell me what u kinda want or leave it all up to me.these are semi-pwyw, meaning $10 is the base and u can pay more to get more detail / work put into ur comm !!


headshot - $5USD

fullbody - $10USD

sketch page - starting at $12USD

the more u pay, the more art/polish u will get. starting price is two uncoloured drawings, let me know if u want anything specific, otherwise i'll choose what u get

pet portraits

price heavily varies - ask for quote $90-$180USD

i'm not too experienced in these but i AM willing to do them !! price varies depending on complexity.
you MUST have SEVERAL CLEAR photos of your pet for me to use as reference.

if u have seen something else that i've drawn and it isn't listed here, feel free to inquire about it and we can work something out !!!

commission slots open with a tweet, a ping, or a journal on deviantart. the announcement will say how many slots are open, so keep an eye on the thread to see if all of them are taken or not.to order, dm, note me, or comment on the deviantart journal (if applicable) with the form below, filled out with ur commission info.if ordering multiple commissions, fill a form out for each one, even if it's the same character.when sending a ref, it's heavily preferred if the characters toyhouse is linked, if u have one. if not, or if the pictures on toyhouse are too heavily watermarked to use, a picture is fine.

Commission type:
Character ref(s):
Character description (tell me who they are, what they're like. NOT optional):
Preferences/Expression (opt):